
Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. Although it is a chronic condition there are plenty of treatments available to manage symptoms long term.

What is Eczema?

Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that has no known cure. About five percent of the population suffer from atopic eczema which is the most common type of eczema. Atopic eczema commonly affects areas like the inner side of the elbows, knees, wrists and ankles. When exposed to aggravating triggers, eczema can flare-up and the skin will become itchy, red and inflamed.

Symptoms of eczema are a skin rash that might be inflamed, swollen, itchy, red, flaky or dry. When skin is dry and cracked it is more susceptible to bacterial infections, so the skin may also appear weepy, oozing or bleed.

The exact cause of atopic eczema is unknown. It is thought to be an inherited condition so if you have a family history of eczema, you are more likely to develop the condition yourself. People living with atopic eczema are also more susceptible to other allergy conditions, such as asthma, hayfever and are more likely to have food or environmental allergies. Eczema can be aggravated by allergens, stress, fatigue or changes in weather.

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What are the treatments for eczema?

Eczema can be managed in a variety of ways, including medical treatments and maginging environmental triggers.

Corticosteroids are commonly used to manage mild to moderate eczema, but it is important that you ask our community pharmacists about using corticosteroids effectively. You should always try to use the lowest effective strength and use as little as possible. Corticosteroids must be applied sparingly to the affected areas and only when needed as they thin the skin.

If you get eczema on your face, it is important that only mild corticosteroids are used, as the skin in this area is thinner and more prone to absorption and local side effects. Stronger corticosteroids may be used on other parts of the body and during severe flare-ups.

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Managing eczema

There are a range of products that can be used to manage itchiness. Fragrance free moisturisers are essential in the management of eczema. Try to use moisturisers frequently throughout the day (and especially after showering) to moisturise the skin, to stop the skin itching and to protect against allergens.

Soap substitutes, like aqueous cream should be used instead of soap to keep the skin moisturised and minimise dryness.

In some cases a doctor will prescribe antibiotics to treat any secondary infections.

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Causes and preventions

Eczema is influenced by lifestyle factors. Our community pharmacists can provide you with advice for managing your eczema.

Stress can also trigger eczema flare-ups so try to avoid or manage stress as best you can. Stress management involves changing the stressful situation, changing the reaction if the situation is unavoidable, practising better health care and making time for rest and relaxation. Our pharmacists can help you with stress management support as a part of your eczema care plan. (LINK?)

Also try to avoid known allergens, like dust mites, pollen and animals, and certain types of clothing, such as wool and synthetics. Some foods can also cause flare-ups; common food allergens include spicy foods, alcohol, food colouring, wheat, eggs, soy and peanut products. It’s best to keep a diary of your flare ups when you are first diagnosed with eczema so you can start to figure out what your unique triggers are.

Some people develop flare-ups when there are sudden changes in the weather, so where possible try to keep an eye on the weather reports as a part of your daily routine and prepare yourself with effective treatments.

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