Vaginal Thrush

Vaginal Thrush is common and treatable. It is a fungal infection that can be treated easily with medications that are available over the counter.

What is vaginal thrush?

Vaginal thrush (candida infection) is caused by an overgrowth of yeast called Candida albicans. Candida albicans lives quite harmlessly in our bodies until something upsets the body’s natural pH balance. This causes Candida albicans to multiply and symptoms of thrush to appear.

Thrush may be a regular occurrence for some people while others never experience this infection. If you are taking antibiotics, are pregnant, going through menopause or are on the contraceptive pill you are more susceptible to this infection.

People who are HIV-positive, have diabetes or other immuno-compromising conditions, are more likely to experience candida infections. It is not uncommon to get vaginal thrush just before or just after a period.

Antibiotics can cause vaginal thrush, while tight-fitting pants or underwear made of synthetic fabric, heavily perfumed vaginal deodorants, bubble baths or certain soaps, can also aggravate your body’s normal flora and cause thrush.

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What are the symptoms of vagnial thrush?

Thrush infections can occur in many different sites but vaginal thrush is the most common. Vaginal discharge changes into a thick white consistency, like cottage cheese.

Other symptoms may include itching, a burning sensation when urinating, soreness around the vagina, or pain during sexual intercourse. These signs all indicate that you may have a vaginal thrush infection. As best you can avoid scratching any thrush related itch, it will only make symptoms worse.

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What is the treatment for vaginal thrush?

There are a variety of treatments available for vaginal thrush ranging from antifungal vaginal creams to oral medication. Treatment will vary depending on the person. Our community pharmacy team can advise you as to what course of treatment will be best for you.

In some cases a short course of antibiotics may be recommended to treat a serious infection. Antibiotics for vaginal thrush must be prescribed by a doctor.

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How can vaginal thrush be prevented?

Thrush can be prevented by ensuring your body is healthy and fit. Being stressed or generally run-down can trigger vaginal thrush.

Other preventative practices include:

  • Avoiding deodorised pantyliners and synthetically fragranced bath products
  • Wear loose underwear and avoid tight clothing.
  • Wipe from the front to the back after urinating
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Seek professional support

If you are experiencing a vaginal thrush infection for the first time there is nothing to worry about. Our community pharmacy team is available to give you all the information and treatment options for vaginal thrush. We recommend that you need to see your doctor.

Symptoms such as green discharge, pain in your stomach or an unpleasant smell, can indicate something more serious and you should see your doctor as soon as possible.

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