Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

People of all ages experience erectile Dysfunction and it is certainly not something that you need to learn to live with.

About ED

Erectile Dysfunction is very common and nothing to be ashamed of. People of all ages experience erectile dysfunction and it is certainly not something that you need to learn to live with. There are plenty of options out there to help make ED a thing of the past. The quicker you get it sorted, the quicker you can get back to feeling like you.

Contact our pharmacy

Mediations and Non-Medical Solutions

We can save you a trip to the GP, you can book a private consultation for erectile dysfunction support at our pharmacy. Many mediations and non-medical solutions to ED can be prescribed by one of our accredited pharmacists. You can have a private consultation at our pharmacy at a time that suits you, and you can walk away with the treatment you need there and then.

Drop by the pharmacy to book your appointment with our pharmacists, or call us now. A consultation fee applies for this service.

Contact our pharmacy